Buddhism in the Contemporary World – Discussion panel

Date - 28/09/2017 | 19:00 - 20:30

Karma Dechen Chöling - Mahayana Buddhism Center
ul.Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego 49/U12  03-982




Rev. Heng Sure – City of Ten Thousand Buddhas , California
Lama Rinchen -The main Lama of the Benchen Center in Grabnik
Wojciech Czypicki – President of Foundation Theravada Poland
Tomasz Szczygielski – Marpa Institute , Host & Moderator


  1. Beyond Mindfulness: Taking your mindfulness out of the meditation hall;
  2. Environmental Impact of the Three Aspects of Existence: Dukkha, Anatta, Anicca (Suffering, not-self and impermanence)
  3. The Buddhist Sangha as a Role Model for Sustainability in the 21st Century

Event is free of charge

Registration is required.


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