Karma Dechen Chöling – Mahayana Buddhism Center

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Adres ul.Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego 49/U12  Warsaw 03-982

Karma Dechen Chöling is a Buddhist center that emphasizes the study of Dharma under the spiritual guidance of the Karma Kagyu traditions.

His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa Orgjen Trinle Dorje, Khenhen Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche and Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche.

KDC has its headquarters in Karmapa Foundation Europe, the Marpa Institute and the Warsaw Office of the Buddhist Mission in Poland. We focus on creating conditions for studying, contemplating, and meditating on this and other Mahayana Buddhist traditions. We invite teachers and organize courses as part of our Nitarta Institute of Certified Masters Program.

We develop and publish received teachings, organize seminars and conferences devoted to Buddhist topics. Karma Dechen Chöling also offers other classes for meditation and courses. We also carry out projects to help those in need – national and international. The resort runs a tea room and cafe where we have a rich offer of green, black and white teas, coffee and sweet snacks. There is also a library and reading room of the Marpa Institute in the tea area.




Karma Dechen Chöling – Mahayana Buddhism Center

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