Rev. Heng Sure
Ph.D., ordained as a Buddhist monk in the Chinese Mahayana tradition at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, Talmage, California, in 1976. Born in Toledo,Ohio, he was finishing his M.A. in Oriental Languages at the University of California, Berkeley when he met his teacher, the late Chan Master Hsuan Hua (1916–1995). After receiving full ordination, he commenced a “Three Steps, One Bow” pilgrimage dedicating his efforts to World Peace traveling up the California coast highway from South Pasadena to Ukiah, a distance of over six hundred miles in two years and nine months. Fluent in Mandarin Chinese, French, and Japanese, Rev. Sure regularly leads lectures, seminars, and retreats in a variety of venues on at least three continents a year. He currently serves as Director of the Berkeley Buddhist Monastery, the Chair of the Dharma Realm Buddhist Association, and holds a Doctorate in Religion from the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California.
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Bhikshuni Heng Re
attended a Theravadan Buddhist retreat in 1981 in Malaysia and was inspired to become a nun. She enrolled in the Sangha & Laity Training Program at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas in 1989, and became a novice nun later that year. She became a fully ordained nun (bhikshuni) in 1991, and later earned a Bachelor’s degree in Buddhist Study and Practice from Dharma Realm Buddhist Association. She focuses on Chan meditation, the practices of Guanyin Bodhisattva, and studying the Avatamsaka Sutra and the Surangama Sutra. She has served on the Finance Committee and the Board of Directors of Dharma Realm Buddhist Association for over a decade. She currently serves at Gold Mountain Monastery (San Francisco) and Gold Sage Monastery (San Jose).
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Bhikshuni Heng Yin
who grew up in Texas and Maryland, entered the monastic order in 1991 and was ordained in 1992. She holds an MA in Buddhist Classics from Dharma Realm Buddhist University and an MA in Asian Studies from UC Berkeley. She has been a longtime translator for the Buddhist Text Translation Society. She taught and administrated in Instilling Goodness Elementary School and Developing Virtue Secondary School for over a decade, and currently teaches classical Chinese in Dharma Realm Buddhist University. She is interested in developing Sangha education as well as in promoting a compassionate way of life.
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Bhikshuni Heng Yi
entered monastic order in 1993 and was ordained in 1995 under the guidance of the late Venerable Master Hsuan Hua. She holds an MA in Asian Studies from California State University – Long Beach, and a PhD in Buddhist Studies from UCLA. Since 2011, she has been an Assistant Professor at Dharma Realm Buddhist University, teaching courses on Mahayana sutras and shastras. She is also a translator, reviewer, and translation team leader for the Buddhist Text Translation Society. She is the Director of the International Institute for the Translation of Buddhist Texts, which provides opportunities for those with talent in languages to be trained and to translate Buddhist texts as a form of spiritual practice.
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Bhikshuni Heng Rong
originally from Taiwan, entered the monastic order in 1995 and was ordained in 2000. She feels the Buddhadharma is of critical importance if we wish to help living beings. Her daily practice includes reciting the Earth Store Sutra and the “Chapter of the Conduct and Vows of Universal Worthy Bodhisattva.” As the assistant manager of Gold Sage Monastery, she leads by personal example, taking care of a wide range of monastic affairs, including attending daily ceremonies, cooking vegetarian meals, flower arrangement, gardening, teaching the Dharma to novices, laypeople and children, organizing Dharma assemblies, and counseling.
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Bhikshuni Jin Ying
originally from Indonesia, served as a personal attendant of Venerable Master Hua in his last years. Inspired by the Master’s teachings, she entered the monastic order in 1998 and was ordained in 2002. She focuses on the Pure Land practice of reciting the name of Amitabha Buddha and also has a strong interest in repentance liturgy and promoting vegetarianism. She is currently serving at Gold Summit Monastery.
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Bhikshuni Heng Yuan
a Vietnamese American, was born in Southern California. Her family moved to the City of 10,000 Buddhas in 1992, where she attended Instilling Goodness Elementary School. In 1994, she entered the monastic order under Ven. Master Hsuan Hua. In 2012, she earned a B.S. degree in Clinical Nutrition from the University of California, Davis. She was fully ordained in 2013. She earned a teaching credential from Dominican University in 2014, and an M.A. in Buddhist Classics from Dharma Realm Buddhist University in 2017. She resides at City of 10,000 Buddhas, where she cares for elder nuns at the Tower of Blessings and teaches science at Developing Virtue Secondary School.
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Bhikshu Heng Chiang
was originally from Taiwan, and moved to the United States in 1993. He enrolled in the Sangha & Laity Training Program at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas in 1993. He became a novice monk order under Ven. Master Hsuan Hua at Long Beach Sagely monastery in 1994, and was fully ordained with Dharma Realm Buddhist Association in 2000. He has served on the Board of Directors of Dharma Realm Buddhist Association for over a decade. He had been lived in Dharma Realm Sagely Monastery in Kaohsiung Taiwan as a manager from 2011~2016. Now he resides at City of 10,000 Buddhas, and focuses on the Pure Land practice of reciting the name of Amitabha Buddha.
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Bhiskhu Jin Xiao
was originally from Vietnam and moved to the United States in 1993. He went to University of Washington and graduated with a degree in Electrical Engineering. He had worked for IBM and University of Washington. In 2010 after he attended Shurangama Sutra lectures in Vietnam, he came back to quit his job and decided to become a monk. He became a novice monk in 2011, and was fully ordained with Dharma Realm Buddhist Association. He currently serves at Blessings, Prosperity, and Longevity Sagely Monastery, and sometimes serves as an cantor assistant for great dharma assemblies at City of Ten Thousand Buddhas.
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Bhikshu Jin Hé
began living in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas in 2009, became a novice monk in 2011, and was fully ordained with the Dharma Realm Buddhist Association in 2013. He is currently based at Berkeley Buddhist Monastery, California and is an instructor with Dharma Realm Buddhist University Extension. Originally from Malaysia, JinHé has a degree in Economics & Finance from Australia and was the owner of a design agency and a strategic business consultancy before deciding to become a monk.
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Nipun Mehta
is the founder of ServiceSpace, an incubator that leverages technology for ‘labor of love’ projects. At the age of 24, Nipun quit his job to become a “full time volunteer.” What started as an experiment with friends is now a global ecosystem of over 500,000 members who have not only delivered millions of dollars in service for free but are regenerating a gift culture. Their projects range from DailyGood to KindSpring to KarmaKitchen. Nipun has received many awards like Dalai Lama’s Unsung Hero of Compassion award and in 2015, President Obama appointed him to a council on poverty and equality. Nipun is routinely invited to share his message of with a wide range of audiences and his speech at UPenn commencement was read by millions. Nipun’s mission statement in life reads: “Bring smiles in the world and stillness in my heart.”
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Sheetal Sanghvi
is a pilgrim heart who has committed his life to the enquiry of what is Real! While he patiently awaits the answers to his existential questions, he loves engaging in small acts of kindness wherever life plants him. Deeply passionate about building communities, he is happiest when participating in small circles around songs, stories and stillness that have an amazing potential to bring people together in truly wholesome ways. Sheetal is the founder of The Urban Ashram, a spiritual sanctuary dedicated to the work of inner transformation in the heart of the Pune city. It is a space where local community members gather regularly for yoga, Awakin Circles, inspiring talks and circles, laughter yoga, inspirational movie nights as well as musical gatherings by traveling artists among other activities. Sheetal also anchors an online music offering called Maitri Tunes sharing uplifting music from diverse traditions.
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Khushimta Sanghvi
Characterized by her hearty laughter, and joyful smile, Khushimta Sanghvi is a force of goodness whose genuine, dynamic presence allows her to seamlessly and consistently wear many hats with a grounded grace. She is a sturdy coordinator and quiet stalwart behind Moved by Love, a portal and ecosystem in Southeast Asia dedicated to small acts of transformative service, and in particular, its monthly “Head, Hand, Heart” retreats. Along with her husband Sheetal, she lives and serves as a steady anchor of weekly Awakin Circles, regular community gatherings and inspired talks at their home, which they’ve opened up to their local community as an “Urban Ashram”. Khushimta is known to many as a queen of ‘Laughter Yoga’ and often can be found bringing the most stonefaced among us to smiles in seconds. 🙂
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Audrey Lin
journey is characterized by a continuous exploration in service and stillness. Whether holding spaces for deeper learning, serving guests at Karma Kitchen, supporting school Kindness Circles, delving into a “laddership” style of leadership, or simply spreading Miles of Smiles on street intersections or local walks – her buoyant presence is a reminder of the power and joy that lie in small acts of kindness. A graduate of Nonviolence and Social Change at UC Berkeley, she volunteers with ServiceSpace and teaches children about the environment.
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